On the eve of Diwali, i.e. on November 13, 2020, stunning night-time visuals via a Drone were being streamed live from Ayodhya. While over 5.5 Lakh diyas were being lit, there was also a piece of sad news being reported of at least seven Indians being killed during cross border shelling on the Line of Control (LOC). Among them were three Army personnel and a BSF Jawan
As the growing “Drone Community ” wishes and greets each other on this Diwali, we must remember that wherever we are, we have a task cut out before us.
The latest addition to the growing list of DGCA/MoCA authorised Drone operators is ICRISAT.
Work is in progress too to undertake BVLOS operations accorded to various consortia.
So the following is the Diwali message to all the RPA specialists and “Droners” out there. Even though it is Shri Amber Dubey JS MOCA Speaking, the words must echo in our ears as we lay down the Dronscape around us.
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